Saturday, March 19, 2011


Today I went to a social justice fair. It was SO great to be around a bunch of liberals!! Plus, I learned ALOT!

Yes. So here is a short recap.

This really, really, REALLY made me very ANGRY. HOW the HELL did I not KNOW this. I mean, I knew things were bad, but I didn't know they were that bad. and I didn't realize how much of MY. YOURS. OUR. tax money was going to this HELLISH bullcrap horror:

We give Israel 7 million a day. They use it to build up their army and weaponry and to test those weapons on Palestinians. We only ever hear about when Palestinians kill Israelis, but Israelis kill the Palestinians 4 times as often. And most Palestinians are killed on their OWN land (99%), and about half of Israeli deaths occur on Palestinian land. Israelis make it hard for Palestinians to live by deliberately destroying their property, forcing them out of their homes, demolishing their homes, arresting and beating them up for no reason, ETC ETC. Basically it is some serious US supported apartheid.

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